The Sunburns of Life

The Sunburns of Life

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A one-off message about how sometimes life burns us too and how we can prevent and handle those burns.


Editor note: The message was very solid content and very well-written. A+.

This one-off message grabs your students’ attention with light-hearted con-versation about summer sunburns and then relates those easy to talk about burns with the burns that come from life. Take a chance to look at some people in the Bible who were burned by life and then see what we can use for sunscreen and aloe lotion when we get burned ourselves. This is a great sermon for over the summer or even starting fall.

This Resource Includes:

• Complete message manuscript (Word file)
• PowerPoint presentation file
• Graphic (jpg)

Brittany Ulmer

Brittany is a youth pastor from Wichita Kansas who loves students, her husband, her dogs, and the Lord (obviously)!