JESUS GPS Philippians 1:6 A Quarter Life Faith Sparker™ for Young Adults

JESUS GPS Philippians 1:6 A Quarter Life Faith Sparker™ for Young Adults

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Check out our Quarter Life Faith Sparkers™. Little-prep. Easy-to-use. Faith conversation-starters for the career-college years, 18-25.


Jesus accepts us where we are for who we are but refuses to leave us there. God is daily working out circumstances in our lives to shape us to be more like Jesus. We won’t always measure up to the Lord’s standard but perfection is our God-given destiny.

Explore both God’s and your group members’ responsibilities in becoming more like Jesus. This work of sanctification can be discouraging at times. Your group members may go all over the map because of their stubborn sinfulness but God will always guide them back on track to maturity in Christ.

Jesus GPS, a Quarter Life Faith Sparker™ for Young Adults, is a little-prep, easy-to-use faith discussion-starter for the quarter-life years between high school and adulthood, ages 18-25.

Print a Jesus GPS Faith Sparker™ copy for each of your group members. Using the Facilitator’s Guide to lead you, begin with the icebreaker question and move through each of the six faith discussion-starters. Your faith dialogue will take between 45 minutes to an hour.

Often called emerging adulthood, quarter life is a new stage of life that needs your attention now. Use this Faith Sparker™ resource once and you’ll be hooked on this dialogue-energizing opportunity.

• Career-College groups
• Young adult small groups
• Young adult Sunday school
• Young adult retreats

Multiply your ministry by training young adults to lead Faith Sparker conversations in dorm rooms, apartments, and student unions—anywhere there are young adults.

This Resource Includes:
• Facilitator guide (pdf file)
• Handout (pdf file)
• PowerPoint discussion slide

Author Profile Picture

David Lynn