Save Your Wednesday

Save Your Wednesday

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An 8-week series that focuses on the titles that Jesus calls Himself throughout the Gospels.


Editor's note: This is a well-organized, well-written resource with a TON of creative games that go well with each week's topic.

Every time Jesus starts a sentence with the two words, "I am," you know that He's about to say something incredibly important about Himself. Save-Your Wednesdays is an 8-week series that focuses on the titles that Jesus calls Himself throughout the Gospels. Each week contains a team-based game that relates to the Scripture passage and a brief Bible Study.

Week 1:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … The Bread of Life
Focal Text: John 6:22–40

Week 2:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Focal Text: John 14:1–7

Week 3:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … The Light of the World
Focal Text: John 8:12

Week 4:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … The Good Shepherd
Focal Text: John 10:11–16

Week 5:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … The Door
Focal Text: John 10:7–10

Week 6:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … The True Vine
Focal Text: John 15:1–6

Week 7:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … The Resurrection and the Life
Focal Text: John 11:1–27

Week 8:
“I AM” Statement: I Am … Coming Soon
Focal Text: Revelation 22:1–7

This Resource Includes:
• Title Graphic
• Eight word-for-word manuscripts, including game suggestions and descriptions

Author Profile Picture

Jeff Jones