Throw(WAY)back Thursday

Throw(WAY)back Thursday

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The Apostle Paul (@paultheapizzle) invites you to take a look at his Instagram #tbts and try to guess just how far back he’s throwing it.


Throw (Way) Back Thursday is a screen-based game that asks students to name the location of the Bible story shown in the throwback photos posted on the apostle Paul’s (imaginary) Instagram account. This game will get your students laughing while testing their Bible knowledge.

Here’s how the game works: Students are shown a picture of a story from the Bible. Using the pre-populated multiple choice answers, students must determine where the story is found in the Bible.

This resource includes:

    • JPEG Slides (1920px x 1080px)
    o Title Slide
    o 10 gameplay slides
    • Video Intro
    • PowerPoint File
    • A word document outlining multiple ways to play the game

For other great games by Ken, ( click here)


Ken Mcintyre