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Follow Jesus - Team Bible Study is a four-to-five-session team/group study. When the whole world is demanding your likes/follows/attention, follow the One who really matters.


Students live in a world where there are thousands of voices demanding to be followed. ""Like, subscribe, follow, enable notifications, upvote..."" It's exhausting. When there's so much competition for our attention, who should we follow?

Follow Jesus is a team-based Bible study ideal for use as a team/cabin group study for summer camp, for a D-NOW weekend home group study, or for any situation where you need 4-5 sessions of study on the topic of what really matters - simply following Jesus. 

This study was originally written as a summer camp team study that works well as four or five sessions.

It includes an optional Bible memorization plan to go along with the study. (Our camp does Bible memorization as part of a weeklong team points competition.) Use part of this, all of this, or none of it.

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This Resource Includes:

  • Leader page for each session (docx)
  • Student page for each session (docx)
  • Supply list (docx)
  • Optional Bible memorization plan to go along with the study (docx)
  • Themed graphics (jpg)

Note from Author

About this Product
"This works best as a study with about a 45-minute-to-one-hour time slot for each session. (Perfect for camp cabin group/team studies or DNOW weekends.) Split your students into groups of 15 or less, and assign a reliable leader to each. The more in advance you can get this material to your leaders, the better. "
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Cindy Purtle