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Grab a laser pointer at the dollar store and download this game. Hilarity ensues.


Grab a laser pointer or two and get ready for the Easter Egg Hunt of the future. A famous location with an appropriately themed egg embedded will be displayed on the screen, and two on-stage contestants must frantically search with their laser pointers until the costumed egg is found. Point at the egg first and give the winner 10 million points. First to 50 million wins. It's silly, it's fast, and it's frantic springtime fun.

Give a chocolate bunny for the winner if you play it around Easter. Or play the game anytime, it'll crack your students up!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (8 Targets + Q&A) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Perfect for Easter, the egg hunt, or any time you want to have lasers at youth group!
Austin Griffin

Austin Griffin

Austin Griffin is currently a student at Bible college and takes way too much pride in being the best Air Hockey player in his '07 youth group.