
Give your students a different experience using this 7-station event, focusing on the Christmas Story. Christmas Prayer Stations is meant to help your students connect with the birth of Christ in a new and fresh way. Many of the stations help the students quiet themselves and focus on the reality of Christ’s birth. This experience will help them connect the dots to some big theological truths.

When students come to the station, they will read what to do and experience. The expectation is that each station is a different room, hosted by a volunteer leader. With some adjustments, however, this can be done as a self-guided event, or even in a large space with various stations in different areas.

Additional Supplies: Would probably cost around $10-$20 (use stuff already lying around at your church!).

Time Needed: About 60 minutes.

This Resource Includes: 

  • Event Overview guide  (Word doc)
  • Adult Volunteer Guide (Word doc) 
  • Student Handouts (Word doc) 
  • Title and Social Media promotional image (jpg)

Ken Leslie