ACTS A Movement Begins

ACTS A Movement Begins

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A 4-week teaching and small group series that focuses on the first four chapters of Acts.


Editor's note: A well-written, biblically solid, and practical resource.

"ACTS: A Movement Begins" is a four-week teaching and small group series that focuses on the first four chapters of Acts. This series is designed to help students learn about how the movement of Christianity began and discover insights about their own faith in light of how the first followers of Jesus lived.

Week 1 – Acts 1:1–11
Week 2 – Acts 2:1–41
Week 3 – Acts 2:42–47
Week 4 – Acts 3 & 4

Each week includes a full teaching manuscript (approx. 2,000 words) and small groups questions that are designed to help leaders facilitate discussions after the main messages have been taught.

This Resource Includes:
• Four (4) complete teaching manuscripts of approx. 2,000 words (Word files)
• Four (4) small group guides (Word files)
• A complete graphics package with teaching content slides as well as social media and promotional images (Facebook, Instagram, Instagram Stories, and more)