Living Hope: God and Mental Health

Living Hope: God and Mental Health

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Living Hope is a four-week series exploring what God has to say to us about our mental health. This series will take your students through passages that reveal God's heart to us in the middle of our deepest struggles.


Doug's Note: "Strong content... well-written. So grateful for Tyler taking this on!"

Living Hope is a four-week series exploring what God has to say to us about our mental health. With all of the stigma that surrounds mental health, especially for Christians, it is important tot understand where God stands on these issues and what He has to say to us about them. This series will take your students through passages that reveal God's heart to us in the middle of our deepest struggles.

Week 1 - A Bruised Reed: God's heart towards us in our struggles.
Week 2 - Bearing Together: The importance of finding help.
Week 3 - Cast Your Cares: Dealing with anxiety.
Week 4 -  Depression and Sadness: Dealing with depression.

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This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • Presentation slides for each week (jpeg files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word files)
  • Social media graphics (jpeg files)

Note from Author

About this Product
It can be super helpful to have resources available for students to take home, like the National Suicide Hotline number, or information on a local Christian counselor.