Preparing for College Curriculum

Preparing for College Curriculum

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A 5-week study to strengthen the foundation of soon-to-be-graduates
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This curriculum aims to address two issues:
  1. How do I prepare my graduating students to keep growing in their faith once they move out of high school?
  2. How do I keep my Senior students engaged in youth during their final year?
This series creates space for your senior students to wrestle with those questions about the future that are hounding their thoughts: How do I know if my faith is true? What am I going to do with my life? How am I going to survive in college?

Through 5 sessions we'll look at these topics: Truth, Spiritual Independence, College Life, Time and Money, and Writing your Life Story.

Truth: Does truth exist? How do I know that Christianity is the right faith? In this lesson we take a look at some of the philosophical arguments for the existence of God as well as the evidences that give us reason to trust the Bible to be God's word.

Spiritual Independence: When all the supports of home are removed, will our students continue to follow God? In This lesson we discuss the importance of students taking responsibility for their own faith, including connecting with a church, getting accountability in their lives, and developing a strong devotional life.

College Life: Should I drink alcohol? How far can I go with my boyfriend/girlfriend? Who should I date? How do I deal with my parents now that I'm an adult? We'll walk through what God has to say about the issues of alcohol, sex, dating, and parents.

Time and Money: Learning how to manage both of these well is critical to future success, yet we don't talk about it a whole lot. This lesson gives students some very practical tips on how to manage their time, study effectively, and be responsible with their money.

Writing your Life Story: What am I supposed to do with my life? Often students head toward college going into whatever they think they might do best in, but without ever truly considering what they're supposed to do. This lesson is intended to help students seek God sized and God inspired plans for their future.


Jeremy Best