Picture This! Halloween Edition

Picture This! Halloween Edition

GOLD members pay $4.06
Get all your students up on their feet and interacting with this fast-paced and high-energy game where the crowd has to pick a Halloween-themed pose and then “freeze.” This video-driven game comes with everything you need to get your students laughing and excited for your time together!
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If you are looking for a fun and fast-paced game to play this Halloween and want to get your whole crowd interactive and laughing, this is the game for you!

This is how this game works: you will split your team up into (x) teams. Each team will send a contestant up to represent the team. The contestants upfront will close their eyes (or place blindfolds on them), and the crowd will see a word they must act out.

Here's the catch, the crowd only has 15 seconds to come up with a pose that will help the contestant guess the word on the screen. After 15 seconds, they will hear "freeze," and the crowd will have to pick a pose. The crowd will stay in the pose they have created as the contestants upfront are given 30 seconds to guess what the crowd is acting out. The first team to answer correctly wins that round!

This video-based game comes with excellent visual graphics, a built-in countdown timer, and high-energy music to make your students excited, engaged, and laughing!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions & tiebreaker) game slides (mp4 files)
  • Title video (mp4 file)


Note from Author

About this Product
One way of playing this game is to have the contestants write their answers down on whiteboards and hold them up to make it easier to see who guessed first.
Frank DiRenzo

Frank DiRenzo

Frank is the Student Ministry Pastor at Calvary Church in Souderton, PA. He is passionate about helping students develop an authentic faith that lasts beyond their time in student ministry. His passion is to create resources that help students connect and feel a sense of belonging in their student ministry! Connect with Frank at frankdirenzo.com