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A customizable and complete retreat package that will help students discover how Jesus allows them to live fearlessly.
Buy any 2 items, get a summer calendar free


Editor's Note: This really is a complete retreat package. The theme is strong and the provided materials would be really helpful to someone planning a retreat. Highly recommend!

Doug's note: This has SO MUCH content, material, to bring... oh my! Again, what a time-saver. This is a great example of "just add water."

We all have a purpose in life, but fear often keeps us from fulfilling it. What if we could live as if we were fearless?

Throughout this retreat, students will discover how a personal relationship with Jesus makes this possible. Going through the story of Daniel and his friends, they’ll discover how fear appears in their lives and how God wants them to react to it. Students will be encouraged and challenged to boldly step out in their faith.

This is a fully customizable and complete retreat package to help you plan your entire weekend!

This Resource Includes:
• Retreat booklet (Publisher file including: schedule, music devotions, session notes, and small group questions)
• Games and activities (including supply list and instructions)
• Packings lists
• 4 teaching guides (2 long sessions, 2 short sessions)
• Graphics (Including a winter and fall retreat option)
• Worship setlist
• Ideas to help encourage others and create unity


Rob Bergfalk