A Living Hope: A Quarter Life Faith Sparker™ for Young Adults

A Living Hope: A Quarter Life Faith Sparker™ for Young Adults

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Check out our Quarter Life Faith Sparkers™. Little-prep. Easy-to-use. Faith conversation-starters for the career-college years, 18-25.


What do you most hope for in your life? People place their hopes in all kinds of things-their bank accounts, their looks, their smarts and college degrees, and many in their faith. God has given us a living hope in Jesus Christ. Use the forced-choice questions and true-to-life situation to get your career-college group talking about Jesus, our living hope.

A Living Hope, a Quarter Life Faith Sparker™ for Young Adults, is a little-prep, easy-to-use faith discussion-starter for the quarter-life years between high school and adulthood, ages 18-25.

This Resource Includes:
o Facilitator's Guide (pdf) for those leading the discussion
o A Living Hope Faith Sparker™ (pdf) for participants
o Editable Faith Sparker™ PowerPoint Slide for the icebreaker
question and promotion

• Career-College groups
• Young adult small groups
• Young adult Sunday school
• Young adult retreats

Print A Living Hope Faith Sparker™ copy for each of your group members. Using the Facilitator's Guide to lead you, begin with the icebreaker question and move through each of the five faith-discussion-starters. Your faith dialogue will take between 45 minutes to an hour.

Often called emerging adulthood, quarter life is a new stage of life that needs your attention now. Use this Faith Sparker™ resource once and you'll be hooked on this dialogue-energizing opportunity.

Author Profile Picture

David Lynn